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Our Work

National Geographic Features Our Open Rescue Photography

National Geographic Features Our Open Rescue Photography

In 2011, our founder Jo-Anne McArthur photographed María González Sola, an activist with Animal Equality, rescuing ...
New Report Warns of Zoonotic Disease Risk from US Animal Industries

New Report Warns of Zoonotic Disease Risk from US Animal Industries

A study released this month by Harvard Law School and New York University, featuring visuals from We Animals ...
100 Photographers Bringing You Animal Stories

100 Photographers Bringing You Animal Stories

For We Animals’s 4th anniversary, we’re celebrating 100 contributing photographers from around the globe. To ...
World Press Freedom Day: How Ag-Gag Limits Animal Photojournalism

World Press Freedom Day: How Ag-Gag Limits Animal Photojournalism

On World Press Freedom Day we commemorate the importance of press freedom around the globe and highlight the work ...
Raising Animal Issues to EU Parliament

Raising Animal Issues to EU Parliament

On March 28, we presented our animal photojournalism to members of the European Parliament as part of a ...
2022: A Year In Review

2022: A Year In Review

Animal photojournalism is growing. Watch our 2022 Year in Review video to see what we’ve built and achieved this ...
2021: A Year In Review

2021: A Year In Review

In 2021, We Animals laid the groundwork to continue bringing visibility to animals far into the future. Find out ...
New Stock Photos: HIDDEN’s Award-Winning Collection

New Stock Photos: HIDDEN’s Award-Winning Collection

We Animals’s new stock collection of visuals from HIDDEN: Animals in the Anthropocene is available for free to ...
2020: A Year In Review

2020: A Year In Review

2020 was not the year any of us expected, but it reminded us why we do what we do. From Australian bushfires to ...