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Documenting Grasshopper Catching and Cricket Farming in Indonesia

Documenting Grasshopper Catching and Cricket Farming in Indonesia

We Animals photojournalist Resha Juhari recently explored and documented the practices of grasshopper catching and ...
Exposing Animal Auctions in Latin America

Exposing Animal Auctions in Latin America

In 2023, We Animals photojournalists Renata Valdivia and Molly Condit, teamed up with Sinergia Animal to explore ...
The Lives of Chickens Inside Thailand’s Factory Farms

The Lives of Chickens Inside Thailand’s Factory Farms

We Animals photojournalists Haig and Taichi Kaito on assignment with World Animal Protection Thailand.
The Fate of Canadian Dairy Cows Revealed on World Milk Day

The Fate of Canadian Dairy Cows Revealed on World Milk Day

While working with World Animal Protection for their latest report on Canadian dairy cows - a population of almost ...
From Source to Sale: Shrimp Farming and Fishing in India

From Source to Sale: Shrimp Farming and Fishing in India

We Animals photojournalist S. Chakrabarti recently documented India’s fishing and aquaculture industry – with a ...
Assignment: Inside Indonesia’s Shark Fin and Meat Trade

Assignment: Inside Indonesia’s Shark Fin and Meat Trade

Indonesia’s unique marine habitat is home to 20 percent of the world’s shark and ray species—many of which are ...
Investigation: Inside Vietnam’s Dog Meat Trade And Wet Markets

Investigation: Inside Vietnam’s Dog Meat Trade And Wet Markets

A joint investigation by Asia for Animals Coalition and We Animals has revealed brutal and illegal wet market ...
Assignment: Inside Canada’s Cattle Feedlots

Assignment: Inside Canada’s Cattle Feedlots

Quebec has the most cattle feedlots of any Canadian province. Last month, We Animals Founder Jo-Anne McArthur ...
Fish Farming in Indonesia

Fish Farming in Indonesia

An investigation conducted by Act for Farmed Animals and We Animals has revealed for the first time how tilapia, ...