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Photographer Interview



Our Work

Interview with Animal Photojournalist Havva Zorlu

Interview with Animal Photojournalist Havva Zorlu

We sat down with animal photojournalist Havva Zorlu to learn about her journey towards animal photojournalism, her ...
Seb Alex’s 2022 Animal Photojournalism Fellowship Portfolio

Seb Alex’s 2022 Animal Photojournalism Fellowship Portfolio

Read what Seb Alex had to say about his Animal Photojournalism Fellowship experience and view a selection of ...
Interview with Photographer Molly Condit

Interview with Photographer Molly Condit

This month, we sat down with We Animals photojournalist Molly Condit to learn more about her journey towards ...
Nick Brandt and Jo-Anne McArthur On Photography and Creating Change for Animals

Nick Brandt and Jo-Anne McArthur On Photography and Creating Change for Animals

To mark World Photography Day, Jo-Anne McArthur sat down with world-renowned photographer Nick Brandt for a ...
Interview with Photographer and Activist Lukas Vincour

Interview with Photographer and Activist Lukas Vincour

We Animals contributor Lukas Vincour is an animal liberation activist and a documentary photographer from the ...
Rozhovor s aktivistou a fotografem Lukasem Vincourem

Rozhovor s aktivistou a fotografem Lukasem Vincourem

Spolupracovník We Animals Lukáš Vincour je aktivista za osvobození zvířat a dokumentární fotograf z České ...
Interview with Filmmaker and Photographer Chris Shoebridge

Interview with Filmmaker and Photographer Chris Shoebridge

We Animals contributor, Chris Shoebridge, is a self-taught filmmaker and photographer based in the UK and Europe. ...
Interview with Photojournalist Justin Mott

Interview with Photojournalist Justin Mott

Our latest contributor, Justin Mott, has been documenting people around the world who dedicate their lives to ...